
Acorn Tutoring & Advocacy offers individualized and small group tutoring in reading, writing, and math for students at all grade levels. Book Clubs are also available for groups of 4 or more students.

Individualized Tutoring
Specialized 1:1 instruction for students
– Designed for students who need focused reading, writing, or math support
– Individualized instruction targeting literacy and/or math skill deficits
– Reinforcement of skills learned in the classroom
– Begins with a free consultation to discuss your child’s needs
– We will set academic goals for your child together
– Progress will be monitored frequently
– Skills will be assessed periodically to measure growth
Small Group Tutoring
Groups of 2-3 students working toward similar goals
– Designed for students in the same family or homeschool pod
– Specialized instruction focused on enhancing reading, writing, and/or math skills
– Reinforcement of skills learned in the classroom
– Begins with a free consultation
– We will work together to set goals for each child
– Progress will be monitored frequently
– Skills will be assessed periodically to measure growth
Book Clubs
Groups of 4-5 students of similar ages developing a passion for reading together
– Ages 3+ welcome
– Meet 1 hour/week
– 2 options:
– Genre exploration -students read books from different genres each month
– Focused groups -book clubs dedicated to a specific genre
– Begins with a free consultation
– Focus on reading comprehension skills through specialized instruction in comprehension strategies and vocabulary knowledge
– Develop social skills through group activities and discussions
– Engage in fun, literacy-related activities